Carla Lee

Melbourne, Australia

Feb 07 at 05:31 PM

really loved this and will go through more Yoga videos from you.

Jan 29 at 05:08 PM

So much fun! thank you Sadie.

Jan 28 at 06:52 PM

I just finished Layers on shimmies. I couldn't finish this before and now I did... shimmy challenges really paid off. Still loads of prac needed but I am so happy that I could go through this difficult session. Thanks Sadie. I posted progress video on Saturday. Hope to get your advice and feedback for improvement :)

Jan 28 at 06:23 PM

The one I caught the time was 23:21

Jan 28 at 06:22 PM

Loved workout videos and found my body felt more stronger during challenge. Sadie, in Tone and Sculpt workout, I heard noises several time. I thought that I should let you know.

Jan 26 at 03:44 PM

Thank you Sadie

Jan 20 at 02:48 PM

Hi Sadie. I believe that there will be one more live session. I won't be able to attend due to time difference. Can you quickly give us a tip to improve 3/4 shimmy down? When we step down on Rt side, we need to contract Lt side glute.... I found this part is quite hard. Will there be any tips how to practise contracting glutes when leg is up? I did go through Down video as well. Thank you in advance.

Jan 09 at 05:34 PM

really love this class. During the class, some idea came up in my mind how to polish veil part of my first choreography. The only thing is that I lost grip of veil twice during the class :)

Jan 01 at 07:50 PM

absolutely loved this workout. Thank you so much Sadie.
If we turn on the spot while internal hip circle, are we meant to do circle on opposite direction?