Carla Lee

Melbourne, Australia

Loved this session Sadie... I was kind of hope that you could cover circle with walking steps...
For the fast circles, I found that I cannot pull belly in... is it right? Thanks for the tips about belly in is the most important part... I was more focus on releasing part :)
Thank you. So I will need more practice with both arm extented and use one arm later on. Practice will make it perfect one day.
I also want to ask if there are any good tips how to look after veil to keep them in a good condition.
Thank you Sadie. When I use both arms in barrel turn, I could make a good circle with veil but... I found it was hard to make a circle doing a barrel turn with one arm. The circle was kind of lost middle way... Do you have any advice for me?

Oct 18 at 11:02 PM

Definately shoulder shimmy is not easy .... thanks for your trips with variations

Oct 13 at 05:01 AM

Great starting class to tide up arms. Yes, I would love to see more of hands and arms sessions with more variations in tempo and style. Thank you for another great class Sadie!
I was so happy to join live for the first time. Thanks for the new time to accommodate dancers in different side of globe

Commented on Baladi Basics

Sep 27 at 08:16 AM

Thank you so much Sadie for breaking this 'step ball change' down... Great class!...Surrendering my stiff neck in smooth motion is the hardest part that I found. And when you bring your upper body up, I feel my pelvic area is a bit compromised due to tilt back position (it is a bit hard to keep core engaged in this position). Do you have any advice? Otherwise the rest of moves are very well explained. Thank you again.

Aug 17 at 05:10 AM

Is this Mejance Choreography?