Carla Lee

Melbourne, Australia

Aug 14 at 06:40 PM

great class! it is so challenging but this class also help to improve layered hip shimmy! Because the tempo is vey fast,.. can I ask if we still have time to pull and out our belly or we are using muscle above belly button to control the circles? Hope my questions make sense in English.

Aug 04 at 10:49 PM

I couldn't sit up using abs muscle... hope I could make it as I build a strength
Really enjoyed this class! looking forward to upcoming veil classes!

Jul 29 at 01:45 PM

Thank you so much for your advice!

Jul 25 at 05:37 AM

BTW I really enjoyed going through this combo.

Jul 25 at 05:36 AM

I had a very conservative thinking about Baladi hands and feet moves...that I should not put hands above the head and use flat feet..... I must heard from someone. So it is okay to do?

Jul 19 at 09:35 PM

Great combo can be used in Baladi dance XOX

Commented on Stretch and Reset

Jul 18 at 04:31 AM

I loved this session so much and felt great! Thank you Sadie. Can you do more of stretch session in future?

Jun 26 at 11:18 PM

Loved it Glenda!

Jun 06 at 06:47 AM

Hi Glenda. Is there any class that have drills for Fa'arapu? I really want to improve on this technique