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February 24

New Classes!  Don't forget to check the "NEW" tab often to see the new class releases. This week we have Salsa with Dina and a combo with Vanessa. Also, check out the replays and don't miss the LIVE tomorrow!


Salsa Musicality

In this class, Dina will show you how to feel, interpret, and...
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February 10

HELP I lost my streak when the system logged me out -- is there a way to fix that? It's very motivating and I'm sad that it seems to reset every time I am logged out and have to log back in. (This is the second time it's done this.)

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January 31

It's the last day of the challenge!! You can complete your streak through the weekend and email us on Monday at if you have completed it and want to enter the drawing for the free coaching session.

Great work everyone! We hope you enjoyed it!

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January 26

Let's go week 4!!! You're doing a great job!!!

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January 29

Mine was the Bel Bont El3areedh from one of the classes!

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January 19

Let's go week 3!!!  Classes are up and ready. Keep up the great work! I would love to hear how it is going for you.

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January 23

We are all ears! What is your favorite one?

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September 28, 2022

If youre looking for a fun and engaging way to meet other Raqs Online members, share your dancing and practice videos, get feedback from teachers and members, then our FB community page is the place for you!

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January 17

Great Job Week 2🎉 Keep up the amazing energy and motivation!!  

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January 17

Hello Movers!!  Sorry that due to bad weather conditions here, we have to cancel our morning Salsa class. We will reschedule soon.