Hi dancers,
I've asked this before on one of the related video's chat but should've done here to cast a wider net of advice.
Has anyone experience pain in the upper ab area when doing their twists? It's not super painful and goes away quite soon once I stop the move. Been working on core since August, so not sure if still need to strengthen in that ab area or my technique flawed in some way?
Appreciate any advice 🙏
Replied on Pelvic Shimmy
Feb 24 at 10:06 PM
Sadie Marquardt thank you, have been doing these vids but looking for a more in depth one/dedicated video (if I've missed seeing such one sorry 😔, but if not, could I request this one as a new video plze??) ...as I feel this is my 'fingerprint' shimmy so want to really work on it more.